We’re Launched!
July 20, 2009Contrarian 2 Comments »Well, the blog is “officially” launched. Not much here yet, but give me some time.
After haunting a number of other local blogs over the last several months — some of you may have read the rants of “Contrarian” — I decided to launch a blog of my own and give those other patient bloggers a chance to get even.
More seriously, there is a clear need for a genuine liberal voice in the local blogosphere. Needless to say, I use the term “liberal” in its classical sense, as indicating an advocate of political and social freedom (the term derives from the same Latin root — liber, to be free — as “liberation”). The term “liberal” also implies tolerance, the Queen of Virtues in civilized societies. The liberal or “liberal-minded” person is the person who is receptive to novelty and tolerant of — even intrigued by — persons whose origins, interests, views, tastes, and lifestyles differ from his own. The only things of which he is not tolerant are attempts by petty despots to infringe his own or others’ rights and freedom.
The local blogosphere is, alas, dominated at present by baby leftists reciting dogmas they learned in school and have never consciously examined, with a sideshow by hysterical rightists. The leftists regard and describe themselves as “liberals,” but of course they have no grasp of what freedom entails and no interest in it. They are dystopians intent on resurrecting a tribal form of society and economy via the use of State power (which of course will “wither away” once Utopia is achieved). It is an exercise in futility — humans are no longer adapted to that social form — but the Left seems constitutionally incapable of grasping that fact. Neither are they tolerant — of persons with different skin colors, perhaps, but certainly not of persons whose agendas differ from theirs or who balk at being conscripted into their crusade. Gulags of one sort or another seem to be an indispensible component of the leftist program.
But never fear — FreeSpokane is here!
Thanks to WordPress for the blog software and Mujtaba for the basic theme, which I’ve tweaked some and will probably tweak some more. The software has some features I’ve not yet explored, so expect some changes/additions over the next few weeks of this blog’s “shakedown cruise.” And feel free to participate!
Posted on July 29th, 2009 at 5:58 pm
Hey Contrarian,
As one of the “baby leftists” I look forward to exploring the blog it and (attempting) to get even. It will be nice to have a different voice out there. Welcome!
Posted on July 31st, 2009 at 2:45 pm
woot. added to rss reader. Welcome! 😉